Celebrating our 14th Graduation
As the night dissipated, a new day approached… a day charged with excitement and joy, where the smiles on the faces of our graduates were as glorious as the sun beaming down upon those in attendance.
The 14th graduation was an awesome day, where nearly 2,000 people came to witness as our 43 graduates earned their diplomas and degrees.
As the ceremony progressed, I sat back in amazement to what the Lord has done in and through each of our graduates. Each of them coming from different backgrounds and various walks of life, but all coming together to receive their diplomas, degrees, and others awards. I sat back taking in where the students began some two years prior, others three years, and for those completing the Bachelor’s program, four and six years! What an accomplishment! What determination to persevere through their courses of study!
I believe, as I addressed the graduates during my charge, that they will go forth from End Time Harvest Bible College as “Flaming Arrows,” and they they are to turn the world “right side up!”