Meet Our Students

Student Testimonies

Samuel AckahPastor Samuel Ackah, is a 2015 Diploma Graduate.  Throughout his time of study, he was serving as an Associate Pastor in his home church.  After earning his Diploma of Theology, his denomination sent him to the Central Region of Ghana, to pastor their church in the township of Assin Fosu.  Pastor Ackah writes the following about Assin Fosu:

“Assin Fosu is characterized by many, as a township heavily under the bondage of alcohol abuse.  The people’s lack of Christian maturity is evidenced, as many mix their ‘faith’ in Christ with worship of other ‘local gods.”’  Pastor Samuel continues to say, “By the grace of God, I have been able to increase the membership of the church by over 40% since I became the Senior Pastor of this church!  I am excited to see growth every month, and I am forever grateful to End Time Harvest Bible College providing me with the education and practical ministry opportunities which are helping me to reach the people of Assin Fosu.”

Bright Johnson


Bright Johnson is a third year student, pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree.  He says, “I would not have been able to pursue my degree if it weren’t for the financial aid of the partners of End Time Harvest Ministries.  I am grateful for the opportunity given to me.”

Student Scholarships Needed

There are many of our students enrolled in End Time Harvest Bible College that are in need of scholarships!!!

Tuition for a semester:   $140.00

You can sponsor a student every semester
Sponsor half a student’s tuition
But… sponsorship is needed!!!

Donate by clicking on the Donation Button above.