The Word became Flesh and Dwelt among Us

Aaron and Grace Anthony and their five children

Aaron and Grace Anthony with their
children Michael, Lisa, Jeffrey,
Joan, and Noelle

The Anthony Family
sends you
Christmas Greetings

See the family video greeting at

May you be
especially blessed this
Christmas Season!

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…”
(John 1:14)

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Congrats Grads!


Celebrating our 14th Graduation

As the night dissipated, a new day approached… a day charged with excitement and joy, where the smiles on the faces of our graduates were as glorious as the sun beaming down upon those in attendance.

The 14th graduation was an awesome day, where nearly 2,000 people came to witness as our 43 graduates earned their diplomas and degrees.

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Encountering the Divine Presence of the Holy Spirit


Storming the Gates Conference 2015

The students of End Time Harvest Bible College encountered the divine presence of the Holy Spirit during their annual Storming the Gates Conference held at both the Takoradi and Tarkwa campuses!  It was exciting to see God minister daily through His Word, as students received fresh insights from the Word and received a great impartation from the Lord!

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Look What the Students Are Saying!

Takoradi Campus

Bindu Sellu a

Bindu Sellu

Bindu Sellu is a first year student from the nation of Liberia.  She says, “My prayer life has greatly improved, and I am growing in faith!”

Emmanuel Sagoe

Emmanuel Sagoe

“From my diploma to degree, one of the things I have learned, is that no matter how deep you get in your walk with God, there is always more treasures hidden in God.  I am so privileged to be part of this college!” Emmanuel Sagoe is a fourth year Bachelor Degree Student.

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Muslims Dance to Jesus at Crusade!

Storming the Gates Crusade — Shama Junction

Altar Call - Salvation 2

Over 120 people received Christ with the evangelism outreaches and the 3-Night Crusade!

End Time Harvest Bible College embarked on their first crusade for the year in a township named Shama Junction.

Shama Junction is situated 10 minutes away from the Bible College.  This township, specifically the area where the crusade was held, is a Muslim dominated area.

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