Muslims Dance to Jesus at Crusade!

Storming the Gates Crusade — Shama Junction

Altar Call - Salvation 2

Over 120 people received Christ with the evangelism outreaches and the 3-Night Crusade!

End Time Harvest Bible College embarked on their first crusade for the year in a township named Shama Junction.

Shama Junction is situated 10 minutes away from the Bible College.  This township, specifically the area where the crusade was held, is a Muslim dominated area.

Students released under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to pray for the sick

Students released under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to pray for the sick

Woman healed of chest pains!

Woman healed of chest pains!

Woman testifies, “God has healed my leg and knee pain!”

Encouraged by the message, the Christians rose up in their divine authority declaring, “I am in charge!”  They proceeded to dance and symbolically tread over all the power of the enemy!

Response to the MessageA small group of Muslims came the first night and tried to interrupt the crusade.  But when the praise music started, all they could do is dance in praise of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Intercession was made for Shama Junction the final night of the crusade!  How awesome to see God’s people  “Storm the Gates!”

Crusade - 3rd Night - Intercession 1 - Copy