Students Speak Out!

Here’s What Some Students Are Saying . . .

Here are two responses from new first-year students when asked, “What are your expectations here at ETHBC?”

Testimony Bright Whajah - 1st Yewar Testimony cropBright Whajah:  I expect to be equipped and ready for ministry by the time I complete the course of study.  I hope to gain a better understanding on how to do God’s work.  I know I’m shallow in the things of God, and I desire to gain more depth while studying at ETHBC.

Testimony Ebenezer Koranteng - 1st Year Testimony cropEbenezer Koranteng:  I am trusting the Lord that I will be transformed by what I will be taught.  I not only expect to be taught in the Bible, but I want to be transformed in my character, attitude, and behavior.  I want to practice the Bible in all areas of my life.



2nd Year Diploma students were asked:  “How is God’s Word changing you?”

Emmanuel Mensah:  My life has been transformed!  I know the Word so much better and have learned to stand on the Word of God  as I pray.  Also, I have learned how to be a better leader, and from my perspective, I have moved from being a zero to the top!

Testimony Isaac Anane - 2nd Year Testimony crop Isaac Anane:  First, I have seen a total change in my life.  Second, when I teach at my church, there is so much more improvement in both my study and delivery.  The practical outreaches have helped to develop my gifts and calling to do what God has called me to do.


Bachelor Degree students were asked:  “How has attending the college encouraged and transformed you?”

 Testimony Emmanuel Worlanyo - Degree Testimony cropEmmanuel Worlanyo:  The courses at the college are so thorough and intense,  they have helped me to know the Bible well.  The focus on holiness has transformed my life to developed a godly character.  I have a love for the ministry and for the work of God, and the leadership courses  have helped me in the area of leadership and training of people.

Testimony Comfort Dugan - Degree Testimony cropComfort Dougan:  Attending the school has stirred up the gifts in my life and encouraged me to know the place where God would have me to be in His kingdom.  It has made my focus to be completely on God.