Our Sixth Fruitful Trip to South Africa!
by Aaron Anthony
The annual foreign missions trip with selected students and faculty is one of my greatest personal blessings. To be able to take people from one third-world nation to another to tell them about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is an amazing thing to consider. It is amazing not only because they are from a third-world nation, but because we have them raise money for their own transportation—and God always finds the way for them! With such blessing from God, we always anticipate much fruit, and we are never disappointed.
While we saw hundreds of salvations, healing miracles, and deliverances from addictions as in past years, the Lord was doing a “new thing” this year. No matter where we ministered, a spirit of revival came in and remained. Hours were spent following each service with the local residents praying for their church and their districts. Even after we left a particular district or church, reports continued to come to us of the ways the people were touched, and how they were following through with renewed vigor evangelizing their own area.

On a Personal Note:
Our daughter Lisa so enjoyed the missions trip last year to South Africa that she spent this past year raising money in Ghana to come again this year! Here she is joining the praise team.
Our son, Jeffrey also came. He became our camera man this year. He and Lisa both had birthdays while in South Africa—Jeffrey turned 9 and Lisa 11. These are birthdays they will never forget!

The photo on the left is from the district of Bottlebrush, where we have ministered for the past six years. Bottlebrush is a notorious settlement which is ravaged by deep poverty, drug and alcohol addiction, sexual immorality, rape, and other sin-infested activities
Homes are made out of anything, raw sewage runs down the roads, and there is only one standpipe for water out by the road. Crime and drugs are high…but… it’s changing! Praise the Lord!
Here we prayed together for their community. Such a spirit of revival broke out each night. We still are hearing accounts of the people being touched by the Lord and going out and testifying to their neighbors
The first night of our ministry in South Africa, at Impact Global Ministries, a pretty little girl around 7 years old came up for prayer. She was crying as she told me that she has a lump in her chest near her breast area. I could hardly believe it, being she was so young. I prayed for her, commanding the lump to dissolve and to be gone! Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! On the last night of the revival service, she and her mother came after the service had ended and testified that the lump has completely disappeared! Hallelujah!
Prodigal Son Returns Home!
A mother from Global Impact Church came forward for prayer for her son who had left the house on drugs. Handkerchiefs were brought by the mother to be prayed over for the son to come back. On Sunday morning, the young man who came to church and received Christ as his Savior! Not only that… he received prayer for deliverance from the drugs! I have spoken by phone with the elated mother…he’s free indeed! God continues to do mighty exploits!
Holy Spirit Changes a man’s “spirit”
One of our students remained outside the tent encouraging others to join us. One of the men spoken to was an Indian man who was actually in the street on his way to buy a bottle of alcohol. After hearing a story about what happened 2 years ago, on this very spot, the man came into the tent and came forward to receive Christ as his Savior!
Children are not Left Out!
Every place we minister, Diamond Duke-Akon ministers to the children (left).
Look at these precious little hearts receiving Jesus (right)!
Give God all the Glory!