2018 Mission to Ghana

This past March, End Time Harvest Ministries hosted a team from the USA, and it was a tremendous blessing to everyone who was ministered to! 

Children’s Ministry

Nearly 200 children were ministered to as the team spoke at two elementary schools and at a two-day event for a local Sunday School in Takoradi.

shown with pictures.
The Gospel was

The Gospel was shown in pictures.

Songs were sung!

Songs were sung!


Crafts were created.


Bubbles were blown for the very first time!

Outreach to Sekondi Female Prison

During the mission trip, the women of the team had the honor to visit the female prison.

Each lady who had been incarcerated received a single rose.

Before the service was over, prayer was offered to the women. Many stood up to be prayed for. You could sense the Holy Spirit moving among the women. Many of them  were weeping as they were being prayed for. Many also prayed with the team to receive Jesus Christ into their lives.


Eshiem Crusade

During the mission trip, the team joined End Time Harvest Bible College’s “Storming the Gates” Crusade!  In addition to the crusade, throughout the weeks of evangelism in this village, over 100 souls were won to Jesus Christ!

This crusade was also special as the team members ministered to the children that came to the crusade. What began with approximately 100 children the first night grew to nearly 300 by Friday night! These children were impacted not only with the gospel, but were able to do coloring crafts which many have NEVER done before!


Crafts followed the Bible account.

The children were delighted seeing and blowing bubbles for the first time!


The Gospel bead bracelet tells the salvation message (above)
and the Gospel is presented in pictures (below)


Jesus Heals!

Following the altar call, prayer is offered for those who would like to be prayed with.
This woman (left) had pain whenever she walked. After prayer, she was completely healed by the power of Jesus!

This man’s (right) hand and arm were injured. As a result, he was unable to lift his hand up by himself.  After receiving prayer, he demonstrated that he was completely healed!!!


Thank you Ghana Team 2018 for joining us!