Congrats Grads!

15th Graduation Ceremony for our Takoradi Campus

 Part-Time Program Diploma Class of 2016

Part-Time Program
Three-Year Diploma Class of 2016

The 15th Graduation Ceremony was an historic graduation, in the sense, that we celebrate over 600 graduates passing through the ministry since our beginning in the year 2001! It was a day filled with joy as each class received their well-earned diplomas and degrees!

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Desperate for the Presence of God

Storming the Gates Crusade — Ntankoful

dsc_1221Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk. 16:15).

Ntankoful may be a  small village located in the Western Region of Ghana, but the people that had gathered at the crusade were in desperate need of Jesus to save, heal and deliver.  I saw a town that was desperate for the presence of God.  Read more…

Dancing in the Rain

Komenda is a fishing village located in the Central Region of Ghana, approximately 60 miles away from the Bible College.

What a first night!  Our students and those in attendance, danced and worshiped in the rain. With lightening cracking in the distance, men and women knelt and laid prostrate before our God.

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Profound Statements from Our Students

Excerpts from the Valedictorian Speeches of Each of our Four Programs

As you read these profound statements from our valedictorians, praise God for all He has poured into all our graduates during their time at End Time Harvest Bible College.  Be blessed as you read these, for our  partners have played a big part in making their academic education and ministerial training available and such a visible success. Read more…