300 Saved–Ekusai Crusade

End Time Harvest Bible College held their first “Storming the Gates Crusade” of 2017 in the township of Ekuasi.  Throughout the evangelical outreach, over THREE HUNDRED souls were reached for Christ, and placed for discipleship into the various local churches that had joined ETHBC on this mission! Read more…

Meet Our Students

Student Testimonies

Samuel AckahPastor Samuel Ackah, is a 2015 Diploma Graduate.  Throughout his time of study, he was serving as an Associate Pastor in his home church.  After earning his Diploma of Theology, his denomination sent him to the Central Region of Ghana, to pastor their church in the township of Assin Fosu.  Pastor Ackah writes the following about Assin Fosu:

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God’s Vision Marches On

Continuation of the Vision

By:  Reverend Dr. Aaron Anthony, Chancellor

It was the year 1993… and I had just returned from my first mission trip to Ghana.  Early in the morning, God showed me a vision, that would drastically change not only my life, but alter the destinies of many to come!

In this vision, I saw five buildings in the shape of a cross, with a round building as the center of the cross.  I then saw people entering this building, only for them to be running out proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Lastly, before the vision ended, God gave me the name… End Time Harvest Ministries.

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Launched…Bachelors Degree Program in Tarkwa

The New Academic Year Begins!


ETHBC–The School of the Spirit

Students in Takoradi AND Tarkwa receive the impartation of knowledge and the impartation of the Holy Spirit. Read more…

Congrats Grads!

15th Graduation Ceremony for our Takoradi Campus

 Part-Time Program Diploma Class of 2016

Part-Time Program
Three-Year Diploma Class of 2016

The 15th Graduation Ceremony was an historic graduation, in the sense, that we celebrate over 600 graduates passing through the ministry since our beginning in the year 2001! It was a day filled with joy as each class received their well-earned diplomas and degrees!

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